What advice can you give me for washing and drying your textiles?

To know how to wash sheet sets, quilts, duvet covers or any textile furniture, we advise you to always follow the washing and drying instructions on the label of each product. Generally, with the exception of particularly delicate or fine garments with embroidery or applications, all household linen items can be washed in the washing machine. In particular:

  • comforters and duvet covers may be washed on a gentle cycle at 30°-40°;
  • Cotton satin or cotton percale sheet sets can be washed in the washing machine with programs for cotton garments. White sheets can be washed up to 60°, while for coloured or printed sheets it is better not to exceed 40° ;
  • the same rules can also be applied to wash towels and bathroom sets: for white terry towels you can use the washing cycle at 60°, for colored or dark bath towels, instead, at 40° (30° degrees for microfiber towels).

After washing, you can leave sheets and textiles to dry in the open air or in dry, ventilated places. If you use the dryer instead, we advise you not to dry the linen too much because it may shrink or make it difficult to iron. To preserve the fabrics, it is best to dry quickly and at low temperatures.

If you need more information on how to wash sheet sets and textiles, please contact us.

Download PDF washing and care instructions